Apply to be a Zamura Farmer
Building a farm business is hard work. As a contract farmer, there is an opportunity to build your own business while focusing on what you do best– farming. By partnering with Zamura, we can help you secure inputs, technical expertise, and a higher paying route to market. Apply below to see if we’re a right fit for you and your family.
One Zamura Farmer feeds 86 People in Rwanda every year.
Active Contracts
Female Farmers
Youth Farmers
(<35 yr old)
35,786 Rwf Ave Farmer Take Home Per Flock
Zamura Contract Farmer Application
Frequently Asked Questions
A contract farmer for Zamura signs an agreement to farm using our practices. Zamura delivers inputs and sends a technician to advise while the farmer agrees to do the work to deliver the finished product and meet the specifications Zamura needs. At the end of the flock or season, Zamura will collect your harvested products and pay you the agreed amount based on your performance. You get to operate as an independent farmer, and we take care of input delivery and sales of your products.
Land is first and foremost. Zamura can neither buy nor lease land for you. So if you have space to farm or you lease a plot, we will make a visit to assess it before we enter any agreement. Other resources that speed up any agreement is if you have working capital. If you can pay for your inputs upfront, Zamura can get you into our system much faster than if we have to provide on credit. This is not an aid organization. This is a business transaction. We either subtract the cost of your production from your revenue generated when we sell your products or you buy the inputs and services upfront and we give you all your revenue for the products we buy back at harvest. Zamura is not a bank, so we are much quicker to enter agreements with farmers who have working capital today and are just needing help with inputs and route to market.
Zamura provides all contract growers with a multi-day, hands-on training courses before we enter any agreement. Our technicians are also evaluated on their farmers profits per flock/season, so it’s in their best interest to give you the best advice. Your success is our business. You don’t have to know anything about broccoli or broilers to be a great farmer with a successful business someday!